These lovable little ones make amazing fun pets for everyone.
Our miniature cattle include Highland, Highland Cross, and Mini Angus Cross Red and Black.
Click here for purchasing details.
Silver highpark bull calf born on July 20th. Mom is a purebred dunn highland 42 inches. Dad is a 44 inch highpark red tipped. He will be available at weaning
Small little highland bull born on July 17th. Mom is a dark dunn highland at 42 inches. Dad is a black highland bull at 40 inches. Very hairy little guy.
Small little highpark heifer born on July 16th. Mom is a black highlamd at 42 inches. Dad is a red tipped highpark at 44 inches. Silver tipped.
Bull calf born on Valentines Day. Dad is chrondro positive Highland. Mom is low line cross bred. Hes available(sold)
Black highland/lowline angus heifer born on 2-18-24. Dadi is chrondro plus. Mom is tiny at just 35 inches. Shes available. More pictures available at request.(sold)
Very small framed dunn highpark with lots of fluff. Mom and Dad are both 44 inches she’s available !!(sold)
Suspected chrondro positive bull calf born 3-23-23 lots of color. Dad is Chrondro positive highland. Mom is a tiny crossbred at 36 inches(sold)
“Preacher” was born on 8-21-22 He is a purebred Highland, grandson of Caesar His Dad is chrondro positive, his Mom is a midsize He will be weaned before Christmas(sold)
Waylon is so beautifully marked. He is chrondro positive. Hes available!! The previous purchaser did not pick him up(sold)
“Sold”April was born on April Fools Day. Her Mom is Sprinkles and her Dad is Chubbs and she is tiny she is Chrondro positive
Little boy born 2-9-10. His Dad is Chubbs (83.75%) Highlander, his Mom is Gertrude ( mini red angus cross ) ill get closer pics soon. He is for sale.
Meet Fiona , Wally’s baby girl, she had a hard time getting here but she is precious. She will stay here with me
Purebred Highlander heifer for sale. born on Halloween!! Elle is her Mom and Chubbs is her Dad. Ill call her Spooky !! “Sold”
“Mavis” was born on july 5th she is a tiny heifer 1/2 Highlander and 1/2 angus her dad is chubbs who is Highlander chrondro positive, her Mom is Piper she is a 34-35 inch mini Angus (sold)
This is Sprinkles, the other original her home will always be here. Her calves are always tiny and just as sweet as she is ????
Piper, mini angus and super sweet , she always has such small of my original cows i started with she will always live with me ??